Sitting there I saw you

I saw you

Lost but not forgotten

Olmec Head Olmec Head

African Head

Carved out of stone 6 ton the smallest

40 ton is the biggest

From the mountains of Veracruz

People from the land of the Tule

10 went to San Lorenzo

7 went to La Venta crew

Crowned with a head dress

One with closed eyes true

Broad nose large nostril

African roots

The ear and and mouth connected by a hidden inner thbe

Carved from basalt volcanic great revenue

Image of my warriors and leaders too

African presence undeniable


17 been located

All excavation been frustrated

Did they get there on their own

Were they transported

90 kilometers from home

No one can say

400 ships came from Mali

Swept off course by ocean wind so calmly, yes I

Only one ship returned

The Prince soon learnt about Mexica land


Genes resistant to malaria

In the Upper waters of Usamacinta

Abubakari abdicated his throne to explore the western area

Down the Sanctuary of the Serpent

Where the pyramids and canals irrigate dem

Perfection in stone

Adorned with jade and so much more
